المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : FileZilla Server v1.3.0-rc1 Released​-03.02.2022

اشراق العالم
02-12-2022, 11:49 PM
FileZilla Server v1.3.0-rc1 Released​-03.02.2022
New Update:03.02.2022
Fixed vulnerabilities:
-The internal tool filezilla-server-crypt now accepts the password from stdin, not anymore as a parameter, to avoid password leaking.
-Mountpoints are now impossible to rename or delete.
New features:
-The configuration files can now be reloaded without shutting down the service first. To make it work, send the SIGHUP signal to the service process on nix, send the paramchange control message to the service on Windows (i.e. 'sc control filezilla-server paramchange').
-The UI now automatically attempts to reconnect to the Server (https://www.fadaeyat.co/fadaeyat127374/) if the connection is lost
-MSW: users are now case-insensitive
-Mac: created an installer
-Display the administration TLS certificate fingerprints at installation time, so that they can be taken note of.
-Negotiate custom ALPN with FileZilla (https://www.fadaeyat.co/fadaeyat127374/) Client, this allows saving a few round-trips during connection establishment
Bugfixes and minor changes:
-Warn if no administration password has been given during installation.
-In TVFS, fixed implicit root "/" not being accessible, trac ..
-In TVFS, an implicit mountpoint whose parent is non-recursive is now able to be listed and cwd'd into.
-Solved off-by-one bug in path normalization.
-Reported filesystem errors are permanent, hence use 5yz error codes rather than 4yz error codes in command replies.
-Permissions are now correctly updated in the UI when the current selected user changes.
-Fixed regressions in the UI related to the TLS certificates generation.
-MSW: the installer now correctly support the /D parameter, used to define a different default installation directory from the command line.
-Debian: the installer now asks for an administration password.
-Errors during ACME certificates generation are now properly displayed in the UI.
رابط تحميل البرنامج:
Download FileZilla Server v1.3.0-rc1 (https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1&beta=1&type=server)

المصدر: الإبداع الفضائي (https://www.fadaeyat.co) - من قسم: Dreambox tools (https://www.fadaeyat.co/f142/)