المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو المساعده (مسائل ++c )

09-28-2010, 07:20 PM
السلام عليكم ...

عندي كم برنامج ياريت لو تساعدوني فيه واكون لكم شاكره ..

حاولت فيه بس مو راضي يزبط معي .
ضQ1:Create a C++ program to calculate the average marks of 5 students entered by the user. Create a class student which has one member variable marks. The user is asked to enter the marks of these 5 students.

Q2:Create a C++ class 'Student' with two private member variables of integer data type, age and marks. This class should define two functions average Marks() and averageAge() both of which take two arguments (objects of Student class itself, say s1 and s2, passed by reference). In main(), create three objects of this class, initialize their member values using constructor and print the average marks and average age of all three students.

Q3:Create a C++ class 'Employee' which has two member variables 'salary' and 'age' of integer data type. In main() create a array of 10 objects of Employee class using new operator and assign suitable values to member variables of each object using either function or constructor. The program should print the average salary of these employees as well as the salaries of the oldest and youngest employee.

وشكرا انتظر المساعده ..

تم عنوان الموضوع بواسطه المشرف eldoktor007
يجب عنوان الموضوع يدل على محتوى الموضوع