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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : iPhone: brawl in a China shop

05-09-2011, 10:12 AM
http://hits.guardian.co.uk/b/ss/guardiangu-feeds/1/H.22.2/18697?ns=guardian&pageName=Apple+iPhone+sparks+fight+in+Chinese+shop %3AArticle%3A1555406&ch=Technology&c3=Guardian&c4=Apple+%28Technology%29%2CiPhone%2CMobile+phones +%28Technology%29%2CTechnology%2CChina+%28News%29% 2CWorld+news&c5=Not+commercially+useful%2CTechnology+Gadgets%2C Corporate+IT&c6=Associated+Press&c7=11-May-09&c8=1555406&c9=Article&c10=News&c11=Technology&c13=&c25=&c30=content&h2=GU%2FTechnology%2FApple
Staff close Beijing shop after scuffle breaks out in frenzy to buy newly launched white iPhone 4

A fight broke out between an employee and a customer at an Apple store in China's capital amid a frenzy to buy the newly launched white iPhone 4, a witness said.

Wang Ming, 30, said the scuffle at the Apple store in the Sanlitun area of Beijing on Saturday was between a "foreign" Apple employee and a Chinese customer.

An Apple spokeswoman in China, Carolyn Wu, said the store "was closed for several hours on Saturday after a group outside the store became unruly".

"The store team acted to protect themselves and our customers by closing the doors and preventing the group from entering," Wu said. "The safety of our customers and employees is our top priority." She would not provide more details.

Reports on some Chinese news websites said three or four customers were injured. Wang said he had walked out of the store and was passing by the scuffle when a bottle hit his head, causing a gash.

Demand for the iPhone and iPad in China has been high, with some of the handsets being bought to resell at higher prices.

Apple reported quarterly results for its 321 worldwide shops in January showing that on average those in China accounted for the highest traffic and revenue per store. Most of the revenue came from iPhone and iPad sales.

The California-based company said then that the quarterly revenue from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan was $2.6bn (£1.6bn), about 10% of its global revenue and four times the year-earlier figure.

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أكثر... (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/may/09/apple-iphone-fight-chinese-shop)