المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مارثا غراهام

05-11-2011, 12:09 AM
الذكرى 117 لميلاد مارثا غراهام - Martha Graham مناسبات قوقل 2011.
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام.
الذكرى 117 لميلاد مارثا غراهام - Martha Graham مناسبات قوقل 2011.
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام.

Martha Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Martha Graham (May 11, 1894 – April 1, 1991) was an American dancer choreographer regarded as one of the foremost pioneers of modern dance, whose influence ...


الذكرى 117 لميلاد مارثا غراهام - Martha Graham مناسبات قوقل 2011.
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/Martha_Graham_and_Bertram_Ross.jpg/220px-Martha_Graham_and_Bertram_Ross.jpg (http://www.eshrag.net/wiki/File:Martha_Graham_and_Bertram_Ross.jpg)

مارثا غراهام

مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام

مارثا غراهام (من 11 مايو 1894 إلي 1 أبريل 1991) هي راقصة ومصممة رقصات أمريكية وتعد من رواد الرقص الحديث, الذين يمكن مقارنة تأثيرهم على الرقص بتأثير إيجور سترافينسكي على الموسيقى، أو تأثير بيكاسو على الفنون البصرية, أو تأثير فرانك لويد رايت على فن العمارة.[1] فقد كانت مارثا غراهام مؤدية رائعة ومصممة حركات مذهلة للرقصات.لقد ابتكرت لغة جديدة للحركة واستخدمتها للتعبير عن العاطفة والغضب والنشوة وكلها من سمات التجارب الإنسانية. جدير بالذكر أن مارثا رقصت وصممت رقصات لأكثر من سبعين عامًا، وخلال تلك الفترة كانت أول راقصة ترقص بالبيت الأبيض, وأول راقصة تمثل بلدها في الخارج كسفيرة ثقافية وأول راقصة تتسلم أعلى جائزة مدنية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: ألا وهي وسام الحرية. وتم تكريمها خلال حياتها ابتدءًا من شهرتها التي ذاعت مشارف أبواب مدينة باريس إلى تسلمها الأمر الإمبراطوري الياباني للتاج النفيس. وقالت غراهام عن حياتها، “لقد قضيت كل حياتي مع الرقص وكراقصة. فالرقص يسمح للحياة بأن تستفيد من جميع قدراتك ومهاراتك لأقصى حد ممكن. فهو في بعض الأحيان ليس بالأمر الممتع. وفي بعض الأحيان الأخرى يكون مخيفًا. إلا إنه مع ذلك أمر حتمي لا مفر منه.”

05-11-2011, 12:10 AM
In 1925, Martha was employed at the George Eastman School of Design where Rouben Mamoulian was head of the School of Drama. Among other performances, together they produced a short two color film called The Flute of Krishna, featuring Eastman students. Mamoulian left Eastman shortly thereafter and Graham chose to leave also, even though she was asked to stay on.

In 1926, the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance was established. One of her students was heiress Bethsabée de Rothschild with whom she became close friends. When Rothschild moved to Israel and established the Batsheva Dance Company in 1965, Graham became the company's first director. In 1936, Graham made her defining work, "Chronicle", which signaled the beginning of a new era in contemporary dance. The dance brought serious issues to the stage for the general public in a dramatic manner. Influenced by the Wall Street Crash, the Great Depression and the Spanish Civil War, it focused on depression and isolation, reflected in the dark nature of both the set and costumes.

Her largest-scale work, the evening-length Clytemnestra, was created in 1958, and features a score by the Egyptian-born composer Halim El-Dabh. She also collaborated with composers including Aaron Copland, such as on Appalachian Spring, Louis Horst, Samuel Barber, William Schuman, Carlos Surinach, Norman Dello Joio, and Gian Carlo Menotti.[2] Graham's mother died in Santa Barbara in 1958. Her oldest friend and musical collaborator Louis Horst died in 1964. She said of Horst "His sympathy and understanding, but primarily his faith, gave me a landscape to move in. Without it, I should certainly have been lost." Graham's lighting designer Jean Rosenthal died of cancer in 1967.

Graham's dance style is based upon contraction and release of the body. She despised the term "modern dance" and preferred "contemporary dance." She thought the concept of what was "modern" was constantly changing and was thus inexact as a definition.

For a majority of her life Graham resisted the recording of her dances and would not allow them to be filmed or photographed. She believed the performances should exist only live on the stage and in no other form. At one point she even burned volumes of her diaries and notes to prevent them from being seen. There were a few notable exceptions. For example, she worked on a limited basis with still photographers, Imogen Cunningham in the 1930s, and Barbara Morgan in the 1940s. Graham considered Philippe Halsman's photographs of "Dark Meadows" the most complete photographic record of any of her dances. Halsman also photographed in the 1940s: "Letter to the World", "Cave of the Heart", "Night Journey" and "Every Soul is a Circus." In later years her thinking on the matter evolved and others convinced her to let them recreate some of what was lost.

Graham started her career at an age that was considered late for a dancer. She was still dancing by the late 1960s, and turned increasingly to alcohol to soothe her own despair at her declining body.[citation needed] Her works from this era included roles for herself which were more acted than danced and relied on the movement of the company dancing around her. Graham's love of dance was so profound that she refused to leave the stage despite critics who said she was past her prime. When the chorus of critics grew too loud, Graham finally left the stage.[citation needed]

In her biography Martha Agnes de Mille cites Graham's last performance as the evening of May 25, 1968 in a 'Time of Snow'. But in A Dancer's Life biographer Russell Freedman lists the year of Graham's final performance as 1969. In her 1991 autobiography Blood Memory Graham herself lists her final performance as her 1970 appearance in "Cortege of Eagles" when she was 76 years old.

Those who had the privilege of seeing her perform in her prime have attested to her precision, form and mesmerizing brilliance as a dancer on stage. Though she is arguably one of the most important choreographers in the history of dance (and perhaps one of the most important artists of the 20th century) she always said that she preferred to be known and remembered as a dancer. In the years that followed her departure from the stage Graham sank into a deep depression fueled by views from the wings of young dancers performing many of the dances she had choreographed for herself and her former husband Erick Hawkins. Graham's health declined precipitously as she abused alcohol to numb her pain. In Blood Memory she wrote:

It wasn't until years after I had relinquished a ballet that I could bear to watch someone else dance it. I believe in never looking back, never indulging in nostalgia, or reminiscing. Yet how can you avoid it when you look on stage and see a dancer made up to look as you did thirty years ago, dancing a ballet you created with someone you were then deeply in love with, your husband? I think that is a circle of hell Dante omitted.

[When I stopped dancing] I had lost my will to live. I stayed home alone, ate very little, and drank too much and brooded. My face was ruined, and people say I looked odd, which I agreed with. Finally my system just gave in. I was in the hospital for a long time, much of it in a coma.

Graham not only survived her hospital stay but she rallied. In 1972 she quit drinking, returned to her studio, reorganized her company and went on to choreograph ten new ballets and many revivals. Her last completed ballet was 1990's Maple Leaf Rag.

She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976 by President Gerald Ford (the First Lady Betty Ford had danced with Graham in her youth).

Graham choreographed until her death in New York city from pneumonia in 1991 at the age of 96.[3] She was cremated, and her ashes were spread over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern New Mexico.

In 1998, Time listed her as the "Dancer of the Century" and as one of the most important people of the 20th century.

The most requested dance materials at the New York Public Library have to do with the work of Martha Graham.

Graham was inducted into the National Museum of Dance C.V. Whitney Hall of Fame in 1987.

05-11-2011, 12:11 AM
فيديو Martha Graham مارثا غراهام


05-11-2011, 12:12 AM

05-11-2011, 12:14 AM
صور مارثا غراهام , مارثا غراهام . صور,صور,رقص مارثا غراهام

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyod0A0Fbutj76qpsfxGaP7fvUhxcz1 kF1EH6hhZu7L7hlVo63_Q

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJ7hKW9h5o6tvMIrxotMcttIZ8Ho3VC Nv_FLgHGAJG3s4_6b2w




http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOfrrEPXKQWZckmuOvoppwuBROtwrOu UYD6k4X5qJ1J5tcsocQaQ

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZkQB8ZgfcEbMVWtDNqWkPKDDNAgnr2 aQyf76Rt3RmUtGFY7F9Zw

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0Q3dqUQ21TZAThGI9ICfxl_ioJWGMV u48WeEYh8KenB8Xv_7q

05-11-2011, 12:15 AM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPA_uhfujk3ijkhj2ppVrGNiaL1WXjF s6_homCH2mNnEZkrlIG

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoj2SIXjzKnTDxHdszZuDK9nTU3ynPR Q2M_128L6BPoFxME4kf0Q

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRj3tFgKTdEADGSgQ5qPcvK4ggnmgARw iC5L7yzeNp0AmitpeUg

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoCC_lee3lEg0ZffIvnV0PSOXWvSalM 1gmX33mJyNnR1mTSeD2


05-11-2011, 12:18 AM
مارثا غراهام (http://www.eshrag.org)

مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام

مارثا غراهام (من 11 مايو 1894 إلي 1 أبريل 1991) هي راقصة ومصممة رقصات أمريكية وتعد من رواد الرقص الحديث, الذين يمكن مقارنة تأثيرهم على الرقص بتأثير إيجور سترافينسكي على الموسيقى، أو تأثير بيكاسو على الفنون البصرية, أو تأثير فرانك لويد رايت على فن العمارة.[1] فقد كانت مارثا (http://www.t555t.com/vb/t73952.html)غراهام (http://www.t555t.com/vb/t73952.html)مؤدية رائعة ومصممة حركات مذهلة للرقصات.لقد ابتكرت لغة جديدة للحركة واستخدمتها للتعبير عن العاطفة والغضب والنشوة وكلها من سمات التجارب الإنسانية. جدير بالذكر أن مارثا (http://www.t555t.com/vb/t73952.html)رقصت وصممت رقصات لأكثر من سبعين عامًا، وخلال تلك الفترة كانت أول راقصة ترقص بالبيت الأبيض, وأول راقصة تمثل بلدها في الخارج كسفيرة ثقافية وأول راقصة تتسلم أعلى جائزة مدنية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: ألا وهي وسام الحرية. وتم تكريمها خلال حياتها ابتدءًا من شهرتها التي ذاعت مشارف أبواب مدينة باريس إلى تسلمها الأمر الإمبراطوري الياباني للتاج النفيس. وقالت غراهام (http://www.t555t.com/vb/t73952.html)عن حياتها، “لقد قضيت كل حياتي مع الرقص وكراقصة. فالرقص يسمح للحياة بأن تستفيد من جميع قدراتك ومهاراتك لأقصى حد ممكن. فهو في بعض الأحيان ليس بالأمر الممتع. وفي بعض الأحيان الأخرى يكون مخيفًا. إلا إنه مع ذلك أمر حتمي لا مفر منه.”


05-11-2011, 12:19 AM
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام

05-11-2011, 12:23 AM
فيديو مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام,مارثا غراهام

Martha Graham (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q_rsG4R7qI)

Excerpts from "A Dancer's World" from the "Martha Graham in Performance" DVD.


05-11-2011, 12:34 AM
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهاممارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام

مشكور الفارس مساعده مني هع

@ملكة الليل@
05-11-2011, 01:29 AM
يعطيك الف عافية
ولاعدمنا جديدك

05-11-2011, 01:45 PM
يوتيوب اشراق - مارثا غراهامحصريا مشاهدة مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهام.

05-11-2011, 01:47 PM
مارثا غراهام مارثا غراهامMartha Graham Martha Graham Martha Graham Martha Graham Martha Graham ... Martha Graham's Diversion of Angels (excerpt) ...