المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [ برنامج ] : ساعة منبه لتوقظك من النوم وتنبهك Alarm Clock Pro v8.6

04-13-2009, 10:54 PM

Alarm Clock Pro v8.6

Alarm Clock Pro v8.6هو أحد أفضل البرامج الخفيفه والخدميه
فهو يعمل مثل المنبه مع الاختلاف طبعا فى المميزات والتطور
فبإمكانك ضبط الوقت فيه لكى يذكرك بموعد ما
أو يذكرك بعملٍ ما
أو حتى يوقظك من النوم إن أردت

Waking up to headache-inducing buzzers and static-plagued radio stations can now be confined to your past. Alarm Clock Pro enables you to design your daily routine and perform various tasks automatically, such as starting your favorite iTunes playlist!

With the sheer amount of functionality Alarm Clock Pro offers, it can easily integrate into nearly every aspect of your life. Speak or display favorite inspirational quotes randomly throughout the day, or even send them as text messages to your cell phone! Have important reminders, or even birthday cards, e-mailed to contacts. Record laps with the Stopwatch. Track time differences for your investment portfolio. Even use it to help cook dinner by using the timer!


Alarm Events

* Send a text message to a cell phone
* Play an audio or video file
* Loop, fade, and auto-stop media files
* Increase media file playback speed
* Alter media file playback volume
* Loop media files via number or hour count
* Open ********s and applications
* Play a web broadcast
* Play an iTunes playlist
* Play a random iTunes song
* Stop, Pause and Resume iTunes
* Open a website
* Send an e-mail with optional attachments
* Compose an e-mail
* Connect and disconnect the modem
* Send a serial command to the modem
* Start or stop the screensaver
* Take a screenshot
* Perform any shell command
* Display and/or speak text
* Bounce the icon in the dock (or flash it in the Taskbar on Windows)
* Display and/or speak a random line of text
* Automatically wake the computer from sleep (by schedule)
* Put the computer to sleep
* Startup the computer
* Shutdown the computer
* Logout
* Maximize system volume
* Maximize iTunes volume
* Unmute system volume
* Combos are allowed! Specify as many of these events per each alarm as desired .

للتحميل من

هنا (http://www.zashare.com/download.php?file=1102e2dcc2f87dd868b5074553877eb2 )
