المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعدة بترجمة مقطع انجليزي بخصوص Google AdWords

اشراق العالمrss
02-24-2009, 09:33 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

اولا حياكم الله والسموحة فلم قسم آخر غير هذا

القصة وما فيها انو اليوم وصلتني رسالة من قووقل تقول

Begin advertising today
with a $50 coupon
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<img height="2" width="580"> Dear ,

You already know that Google Analytics helps you gain rich insights from your website. When you combine Analytics with Google AdWords, you can get even more from your website: more traffic, more conversions, more business. And with this $50 coupon, you can try AdWords risk-free.
Connect with your customers: Google's advertising network reaches 82%1 of all Internet users. Using AdWords, you can target the audience that matters to you, whether that's prospects and customers across the country or right in your neighborhood. AdWords shows your ads at the precise moment customers are looking for your products or services.
Do more with less: AdWords offers free tools that help you build cost-effective, efficient advertising campaigns and make the most of your investment. Set up a campaign in minutes, decide how much you're willing to pay, and once your ad is set up with CPC pricing, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
Stay in the know: Link your AdWords account to your existing Analytics account to measure your ads' performance and understand how to improve your campaigns. Analytics lets you track the ROI, revenue per click, and profit margin of your campaigns so that you can optimize more effectively.

To redeem your AdWords coupon and link your accounts:
Visit www.google.com/ads/analyticsoffer (http://www.google.com/ads/analyticsoffer) and follow the instructions to set-up your account and redeem your coupon. To receive your $50 AdWords credit, you'll need the following coupon code: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XX.
Once your account has been credited with $50 in free advertising, come back to www.google.com/ads/analyticsoffer (http://www.google.com/ads/analyticsoffer) for instructions on how to link your new account with your Analytics account. You'll also find a list of resources where you can find tips on optimizing your campaign as well as links to contact one of our Google Analytics Authorized Consultants for personalized help.
If you have any questions, just reply directly to this email.

The Google Analytics Team
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