المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : What do you think are the major shortcomings of each vocation in tibia today?

اشراق العالم
07-12-2019, 07:59 AM
Many people think that the sorcerers are the weakest today, cause the other classes can make a equal exp in high levels and more profit, and in terms of power is like a druid, but the druids can heal a friend in a hunt and can use paralyse runes in pvp.

I think the sorcerers have a few spells different than druids, a middle heal

The paladins should stay half an hour before the hunt for make a arrows

The high level knights in solo hunt have a middle heal with potions

The druids suffer when the hunts dont make a profit and the knight is horrible in math.

and what do you think is the major shortcomings of each vocation in tibia today?

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