المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دمعة ندم

08-22-2009, 12:17 PM
The tears of regret ..!

Ramadan, we need to shed tears of remorse over what Frtna in the side of God
And wrong with God and with ourselves, we need to be in Ramadan Nasr Ajafonna
Out of hot water Odranna and wash our sins, we need to broken in Ramadaan
And regrets to our own selves and our nation, we need to recognize in Ramadan
Balaqtrav, and acknowledge the Balomas; has acknowledged prophets and messengers of God - they
Peace and blessings - of which their sins and wept; Hebron is the Imam of Unification - by
Peace - says: (which I wish I could forgive me Ktiiti on religion), and Younis
When Ben says: (no God but you سبحانك I was one of the oppressors), that they
Almstefap elite, and elite Almojtbap

Us and How We the people of sin and error
When Ntob Ntb, then, if not now? If you do not regret when regret today? In ..
Modern (in spite of the recognition of Ramadan did not forgive him)! Villa of the multiplied
Sins, the greater the disadvantages you tear? Is it irreversible? Is it
Regrets? Is it sad

The great opportunity of Ramadan to the vision of the burden of fire and the wrath of the mighty
The kings, if marred by slaves .......... In Rgahm Atqohm Ataq Abrar
You, O God, and thus the first KERMA ........ Chbana of slavery Vaatguena fire
And commend them to you and for the most precious; which one of us to declare a general amnesty for
So forgive the Muslim Brothers with him; pardon the ill or insulting
Or insulted him or Amah, then God forgives those who forgive people, and have mercy on those who
Have mercy on the people and the ruthless people are not God bless his soul. The fasting of the
More merciful to the people; it tasted hunger, thirst was found lived hardship, started
Eager for the mercy of the same Muslims, and their compassion and kindness to them

One of the greatest return for a Muslim in this holy month: repentance and Inapth
To his Lord, and to account for itself, its history, this month is
Season of repentance and forgiveness and the month of allowing the pardon, it is the most expensive time
Of the sacrifices, the most precious and valuable of all, the Muslims should take advantage of
Dakkaigah and breathing with the satisfaction of God; came from him - the prayer
And peace - he said: (Allah is the hand at night to simplify repent offensive day, and simplifies
His day to repent offensive night so the sun from Morha).

Abuse and many of us more than an amnesty, the wrong of us a great mercy and more slippage
Remissible us a great and greater. We ask God to have mercy and the mercy of large forgive
By guilt, and erase the sin, and forgive the fault of the

D. Aid Qarni

08-22-2009, 10:14 PM
Welcome Ramadan

Thank you

أغ ــاريد الشوق
08-23-2009, 04:11 AM
مشكوووووور والله يعطيك الف عافيه