المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : wonders of India

اشراق العالم
01-11-2020, 01:29 PM
<div>India - The Land of Wonders
At the airport, after George had finished his passports and entry process, he found Michael waiting for him. He was able to identify him from a picture that was sent to him by email. Michael welcomed George warmly and asked him whether he would like to go to the hotel, or for a quick tour of the city?
•George: No, thank you. Take me to the hotel. I’m tired after travelling and feel a bit jet lagged because of the change of time. We can take the tour tomorrow morning, before going to the office.

George noted Michael’s manner, his elegance and politeness to a degree that was close to affectation. As he went along with Michael, he noticed his luxurious car which revealed that he belonged to the wealthy section of the country, which was stricken with poverty.
The next day, at exactly seven in the morning, George left his room feeling fresh after resting enough the day before. When he reached the hotel lounge he found Michael waiting for him. He had the same impression of him as the day before. Michael was a picture of striking elegance. George greeted him and they walked together to the car.